Whole Genome Sequencing

It enables the sequencing of genetic material from any organism in the long read technology. The advantage of nanopore sequencing is that there is no need to increase the copy number of a given gene, i.e. amplification, so that native DNA molecules are sequenced. Thanks to the use of long reading technology, we can successfully analyze:
  • structural variants,
  • chromosomal translocations,
  • haplotypes
  • and fusion genes.

Moreover sequencing of native DNA molecules is useful in epigenetic studies to assess the level of methylation of the entire genome. It is possible to sequence DNA isolates, as well as to order isolation from the provided biological material (after consultation). You can sequence:

  • dsDNA viral genomes;
  • bacterial genomes; fungal genomes;
  • small and large eukaryotic genomes.

The service includes sequencing of genetic material on the GridION or PromethION platform (depending on the data demand) and the basic stages of data processing: decoding and filtering data (i.e. removing adapter sequences and poor-quality readings), as well as creating a statistics report from the conducted sequencing. The results of the analysis are transferred in the form of .fastq or .fast5 files.

If you are interested in the service, please contact us at the email address: bok@genxone.eu. The exact offer will be prepared based on the agreed details of the analysis.